
BWMeter 5.4.0

Image BWMeter 5.4.0
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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/NT/2000/ME/98 SE/98

  • License:


  • Updated:

    August 08, 2019

  • "Monitors and controls Internet bandwidth"

Sometimes it is very useful to know the exact data related to the consumption of your connection. BWMeter provides you with such information.

Some of the data it makes available to you are summarized in number of bytes uploaded or downloaded in a single day, protocol used and types of traffic. The information can be associated with both the local network and the Internet connection, being able to select between one or the other with just a simple click.

BWMeter presents the results in two different ways: graphically and numerically. In addition, your statistics are automatically generated every certain amount of time that you can configure through its interface.